A highlight from this semester was Entrepreneurship Initiative hosting several expert guests to learn about new opportunities at the cutting edge of science. Guests Dr. Karrie Wong, Senior Director and Head of Cell Therapy at KSQ Therapeutics; Dr. Arnav Chhabra,…
The Entrepreneurship Initiative continued to build momentum coming out of the Fall semester with an all-new cast of all-star leaders working to plan and organize a wide range of events. This year marked the second event with RA Capital where…
Spring 2024 has been an exciting time in the Entrepreneurship Initiative for the MIT Biotech Group. We continued our popular Venture Capital/Founder Dinner Series event line, where we invite members of our community to grab dinner with company founders, venture…
Over the course of the Spring 2024 semester, the Business Development Seminar Series hosted three speakers with expertise in the areas of serial biotech entrepreneurship, biotech venture capital, and data analytics for biopharmaceutical quality control. Our first speaker, Francisco Leon,…
In this semester’s seminar series, Machine Learning in Biotech, we were privileged to have distinguished speakers from Microsoft and InstaDeep share their insights and experiences. We learned about Microsoft’s latest work on the EvoDiff model to predict protein sequence InstaDeep’s…
MIT Biotech Group partnered with Nest.Bio Labs to host the first-ever HATCH@Nest.Bio Pitch Competition! This competition highlighted the efforts of MIT-affiliated entrepreneurs innovating in the healthcare space. Ambitious early-stage startups – AbscoTx, Omnitrix, and Panodor – were invited to compete…
To facilitate greater interaction between students and faculty, the Undergraduate Initiative hosts multiple faculty dinners every semester that foster conversations in an intimate setting, with a special focus on welcoming new faculty. Dr. Laura Lewis, a recently appointed professor in…
Every semester, MBG Undergraduate Initiative hosts a Basics of Biotech seminar series to introduce undergraduates to various aspects of the biotech industry, ranging from career readiness to specific therapeutic modalities. Dr. Becky Kusko, MIT alumna and veteran MBG speaker, shared…
The MIT Biotech Group recently marked a significant milestone in its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) through the launch of its inaugural Women in Biotech Leadership seminar series. This inspiring series united three founding CEOs from biotechnology companies…
This semester, the MIT MBG Industry Initiative organized a seminar on Vaccine Development. We had individuals from BioNTech, Moderna, Elicio, and Illumina come chat with members about the vaccine development that is underway in their companies and where they believe…